The Village Green in Sunbury is Located in the Town Centre. It has edges on four streets, Macedon Street, Barkley Street, Brooke Street and O’Shanassy Street. It is extremely close to Dining out and Shopping and is a great place to take a break mid way through the day, or just to stop by with a coffee for a change of pace. Featuring a Fountain that lights up during the evenings and night and lighted paths, this is a pleasant park to visit day or night.
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Home of Sunbury’s Memorial hall, Sunbury Uniting (St. Andrew’s) Church and the Saint Mary’s Anglican Church, as well as a kindergarten, this well manicured and picturesque little park in the middle of town is a lovely spot. Although not listed on the Dog friendly or off leash areas for Sunbury, this park does have dog water facilities. No Public facilities other than drinking fountain, although it is very close walk to the public toilets located on O’Shannessey street. This park is perfect walking distance to grab some fish & chips and sit and eat an evening meal, watching the fountain.
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